Backing up your social media accounts: what they entail and why you do them

Social networks are used to connect friends or family and to keep informed online. time, a significant amount can be accumulated. For instance, photos, posts, and contacts can be grouped together. Losing all this information is a possibility if your is stolen or if the social ceases to, among other reasons.
We will tell you what social media backups consist of and what the reasons behind their creation are. It's something you can do on platforms like Facebook or Instagram, for example. A way to prevent your data loss and problems in the medium or long term.
What is a social media backup?
But what exactly is a social media backup? Basically, it's the following: Create a copy of the information in your profile on that social network. This can include messages, photos you've uploaded, places you've been tagged, contacts you've added, posts you're creating...
It's the same thing as creating a backup of your computer, but in this case from an online platform. You can save and download all the content to your device, so you can watch it at any time. Even if this social network ceases to exist, you can still get your photos and videos.
These backups are usually downloaded in ZIP, HTML, or JSON files. Depending on what you download, it may have one format or another. It will also depend on the social network itself and the options available to it. Not all of them allow you to download the entire content at once or just as easily.
Once your copy is downloaded, you can save it to any device or physical memory. You can do this process from time to time so that your social networks and their information are always safe.
Why is it useful?
One of the reasons why it is useful to create backups of social networks is data protection. It can be pictures or messages... If something happens to that personal account, you won't lose everything. Your account could be stolen, for example. You'll always have a copy, and at least you'll keep a lot of what you've stored.
It is also interesting if you decide to delete this profile. Maybe you have contacts on that social network, like Facebook, and you don't want to lose them. If you delete the account suddenly, you may lose contact with those people. This way, you will always have the necessary information to add to another profile, another social network, etc.
Another reason is to be able to have more control over your uploaded data or photos. It is possible that these images are not images that you uploaded directly, but rather images of another user, so they rely on a third account. Downloading this content can prevent you from losing it at any time if you delete this account.
In short, thinking about backing up your social networks can be interesting. This will help you control your data, photos, or contacts. It's simple, and you can do it on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.