A new website provides you with a comprehensive list of all the nations in the world that you can visit using your national passport and without a visa

A new website provides you with a comprehensive list of all the nations in the world that you can visit using your national passport and without a visa

As we know that passports differ from one country to another, and with them the places you can visit differ. You will need a visa to visit some countries, and you will certainly need a website that will guide you and determine these places for you.

To use the site in question in this article, we only have to provide it with our passport to tell us the list of countries that we can visit without having to apply for a visa, a list whose data is expanded from each of the regions indicated.

When reporting a country within the site, the sign must be manually selected on the map because it detects our IP address.

Once you are informed, you press the button and wait for the result as in the picture

To show us the map in different colors where
the green light: we do not need a permit
Yellow: you need a permit before traveling; you must apply for a visa
Blue, you must apply for a visa, but this can be done online
You can also click on any country to find out more information about it. As we can see, the site is useful to know the documents you need in any country before traveling to it  

website link
